Um mundo mais saudável a cada dia
Após um longo e bem-sucedido período de mudanças norteado pelo crescimento do nosso negócio, embarcamos em um novo ciclo. Em 2020, estabelecemos que a nossa ambição até 2030 é transformar a RD Saúde no grupo que mais contribui para uma sociedade mais saudável no Brasil.
Nossa ambição alinha-se com o propósito que norteia a RD Saúde há muitos anos:
Cuidar de perto da saúde e bem-estar das pessoas em todos os momentos da vida. Queremos ir além da comercialização de medicamentos, promovendo a saúde e a prevenção de doenças, apoiando na construção de um mundo mais saudável a cada dia. Para isso, desenvolvemos uma nova Estratégia de Sustentabilidade apoiada
em três pilares:
A healthier world every day
Our ambition aligns with the purpose that has guided RD Saúde for many years:
Healthier +Businesses
Healthier + Planet
Healthier + People
Healthier +Businesses
We believe that the pursuit of excellence and innovation in business is directly linked to diversity and the strong investment we make in developing our people. A diverse team fosters a more creative and productive environment, offering a variety of perspectives and a better understanding of the market.
Healthier + Planet
We are committed to practices that minimize our environmental impact, promoting sustainability throughout our value chain, from reducing our carbon footprint to the efficient management of natural resources.
Healthier + People
We aim to positively impact people’s lives not only through the products and services we offer but also through initiatives that encourage the adoption of healthy habits and access to quality healthcare for all. Being a part of people’s daily lives sets us apart. At RD Saúde, we believe that to significantly transform health habits, we need to be present, accessible, and provide continuous support. This proximity allows us to meet immediate health needs, inspire, and provide a healthier life for everyone.
Pessoas + saudáveis
Planeta + saudável
Negócio + saudável
To significantly impact people’s health habits, it is essential to be a part of their daily lives, and this is one of RD Saúde’s key differentiators.
Business Model
Explore the infographic to understand our value generation process.
Data for 2020
Capital Humano
Funcionários próprios e terceiros de farmácias e operações de suporte + de 43.6 mil pessoas trabalhando na RD Saúde
Human Capital
Employees and third-party staff in pharmacies and support operations: more than 43.6 thousand people working at RD Saúde.
Governança corporativa e gestão ESG
Corporate Governance and ESG Management
Na RD Saúde, reconhecemos que o debate sobre ESG (Ambiental, Social e Governança) é essencial para o futuro não só do nosso setor, mas de toda a sociedade. Com isso em mente, nossas lideranças têm se dedicado intensamente a refletir sobre como podemos ampliar nossa contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável, tanto no âmbito setorial quanto global.
Nos últimos anos, temos investido tempo e energia significativos para estabelecer prioridades claras e definir critérios rigorosos para a medição do nosso desempenho em áreas-chave, como eficiência energética, gestão de resíduos, saúde dos funcionários(as) e clientes, diversidade e impacto social. Essa abordagem transparece nosso compromisso com a sustentabilidade e nos permite identificar oportunidades de melhoria contínua e inovação em nossas operações.
Também tomamos medidas concretas para integrar considerações socioambientais em nossa estrutura de governança corporativa. Uma dessas medidas é a inclusão de critérios ESG entre os indicadores que definem a remuneração variável de todos(as) os(as) funcionários(as). Essa prática sublinha a importância que damos ao desempenho sustentável e alinha os interesses de nossos executivos aos objetivos de longo prazo da empresa e de nossos stakeholders.
Para garantir uma gestão eficaz das questões relacionadas à sustentabilidade, criamos uma estrutura dedicada dentro da organização. O coração dessa estrutura é o Comitê de Sustentabilidade, um órgão consultivo que assessora diretamente o Conselho de Administração. O Comitê tem a responsabilidade de propor pautas relevantes, aprofundar debates, mapear tendências emergentes em ESG e atender a outras demandas relacionadas ao tópico. Essa abordagem estruturada nos permite estar na vanguarda das práticas sustentáveis, assegurando que a RD Saúde continue a ser um líder responsável e inovador no setor.
Além disso, reforça o compromisso do grupo RD Saúde de alinhar seu planejamento ao Pacto Global das Nações Unidas e aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). O Conselho de Administração, por sua vez, orienta a execução do planejamento pela Diretoria Executiva e reporta os resultados à Assembleia Geral de Acionistas.
At RD Saúde, we recognize that the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) discourse is crucial for the future of not only our sector but society as a whole. With this in mind, our leadership has been intensely dedicated to reflecting on how we can enhance our contribution to sustainable development, both sectorally and globally.
In recent years, we have invested significant time and energy in setting clear priorities and defining rigorous criteria for measuring our performance in key areas such as energy efficiency, waste management, employee and customer health, diversity, and social impact. This approach underscores our commitment to sustainability and allows us to identify opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation in our operations.
We have also taken concrete steps to integrate socio-environmental considerations into our corporate governance structure. One such measure is the inclusion of ESG criteria among the indicators that determine the variable remuneration of all employees. This practice highlights the importance we place on sustainable performance and aligns the interests of our executives with the long-term goals of the company and our stakeholders.
To ensure effective management of sustainability-related issues, we have created a dedicated structure within the organization. At the heart of this structure is the Sustainability Committee, an advisory body that directly supports the Board of Directors. The Committee is responsible for proposing relevant agendas, deepening discussions, mapping emerging ESG trends, and addressing other related demands. This structured approach enables us to stay at the forefront of sustainable practices, ensuring that RD Saúde continues to be a responsible and innovative leader in the sector.
Moreover, it reinforces RD Saúde’s commitment to aligning its planning with the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Board of Directors, in turn, guides the execution of the planning by the Executive Board and reports the results to the General Meeting of Shareholders.
ESG Agenda
in Practice
Agenda ESGna prática
The practical adoption of the ESG agenda at RD Saúde has taken on definitive and structured contours with the creation of the Sustainability Committee and the Sustainability Directorate. These bodies have played crucial roles in formalizing our commitments to ESG, primarily in guiding and monitoring the execution of multi-sector actions related to environmental, social, and governance dimensions. This organizational structure reflects our commitment to incorporating sustainability principles into our operations and business strategies.
In this journey, we have come to believe that Every Care Counts if we are to be, by 2030, the group that contributes the most to a healthier society in Brazil. We understand that RD Saúde’s products and services can contribute to a regenerative, more circular economy oriented toward holistic health. We are defining the path we want to follow and inviting our stakeholders—employees, customers, suppliers, and the general community—to join us on this journey. It is a call to collective action, recognizing that ESG challenges are complex and multifaceted, and only through joint efforts and commitment can we achieve the ambitious goals we set for ourselves. Our greatest desire is to incorporate the future of the business into humanity’s challenges.
Sustainability Milestones at RD Saúde
Since the company’s inception, significant steps have been taken:
The merger of Droga Raia and Drogasil networks led to the creation of Raia Drogasil S.A., the largest pharmacy chain in Brazil by number of stores and revenue.
Launched the magazine TODOS, sold at Drogasil, following the same business model as Sorria from Droga Raia, donating its profits to NGOs.
Established nine sustainability guidelines to guide the company’s sustainability efforts.
Announced the rebranding of the corporate identity to RD Gente, Saúde, e Bem-estar..
Launched the strategic planning “Norte Il,” which enhanced the focus on the sustainability agenda.
Created the Sustainability Committee, directly connected to the company’s Board of Directors.
Launched the Internal Volunteer Program, which engaged 6.9% of employees in social causes during its first year.
Established a dedicated directorate to exclusively handle the group’s sustainability agenda.
RD Saúde joined the United Nations Global Compact, aligning its sustainability strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Adhered to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), created by UN Women.
Created the Todo Cuidado Conta Fund, donating R$ 25 million in 2020 to combat COVID-19 in 50 hospitals across the country.
Launched the “Caminhar Juntos” plan, an executive document with pragmatic ESG goals to be achieved by 2030.
Achieved ISO 14001 and 45001 certification for the distribution centers in Embu, Guarulhos, and the headquarters building.
Achieved ISO 14001 and 45001 certification for distribution centers in Aparecida de Goiânia, Contagem, Duque de Caxias, Fortaleza, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Gravataí, Ribeirão Preto, Salvador, and São José dos Pinhais.
Pacts, Voluntary Commitments, and Recognitions
Learn more about the commitments and voluntary pacts we are signatories to:
UN Global Compact
GIFE - Group of Institutes, Foundations, and Enterprises
Amigos da Poli
Empresa Cidadã
Programa Na Mão Certa (WCF – World Childhood Foundation)
Generations and Future of Work Forum
The first forum of companies to discuss and find solutions regarding generational issues in the world of work. The forum aims to dialogue about the synergies and opportunities generated by generational coexistence in organizations and to provide a space for reflection on the future of work.
Sempre FEA
The FEA endowment fund generates a positive impact, fosters quality education, and integrates the FEA community with structured governance and good resource allocation.
Forum of Companies and LGBTI+ Rights
A business movement formed by companies and organizations engaged in promoting respect for Human Rights and the LGBTI+ community, creating spaces for building and sharing best practices.
REIS - Business Network for Social Inclusion
Its main mission is to mobilize companies to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Brazilian labor market.
UN Women
A United Nations entity dedicated to promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Movimento Mulher 360
Contributes to the economic empowerment of Brazilian women and increases their participation in leadership positions by promoting, systematizing, and disseminating advances in corporate policies and practices and engaging the Brazilian business community and society at large.
Business Coalition for the End of Violence Against Women and Girls
It unites corporate efforts and resources to raise awareness and mobilize for the end of violence against women and girls.
MOVER - Movement for Racial Equity
Aims to be an effective tool in combating racism through actions that reduce racial inequality.